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The Game w/ Alex Hormozi

Apr 28, 2020

Listen in as Alex breaks down the key to closing everyone with downsells. 

Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast where you can listen in on the Top 1% of Gym Owners to hear the secrets of what they are doing differently to get more customers, make more profit per customer, keep them longer, and do it all without...

Apr 24, 2020

Managing people is one of the most difficult aspects of any business. Here are some lessons learned on how to engage your employees and earn their trust and buy-in. 

Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast where you can listen in on the Top 1% of Gym Owners to hear the secrets of what they are doing differently to get more...

Apr 21, 2020

When you realize that opening your gym back up, isn't the same as going back to "normal."

Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast where you can listen in on the Top 1% of Gym Owners to hear the secrets of what they are doing differently to get more customers, make more profit per customer, keep them longer, and do it all...

Apr 17, 2020

Do you know where your marketing dollars go? More importantly, do you know how they come back to you? 

Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast where you can listen in on the Top 1% of Gym Owners to hear the secrets of what they are doing differently to get more customers, make more profit per customer, keep them longer, and...

Apr 14, 2020

Skill comes from taking action, followed by repetition. Knowledge alone will not produce the desired outcome. 

Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast where you can listen in on the Top 1% of Gym Owners to hear the secrets of what they are doing differently to get more customers, make more profit per customer, keep them...